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Miércoles 1 de Diciembre, 2021
09:00 | Introduction to Quantum Computing with Superconducting Qubits Dr. William D. Oliver (MIT, USA) |
10:00 | Superconducting qubits and microwave photons Dr. Juan J. Garcia Ripoll (IFF-CSIC, Spain) |
11:00 | Reproducible Josephson junction fabrication, steps towards a scalable quantum computer Dra. Anita F. Roudsari (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden) |
12:00 | Strain-spectroscopy of strongly interacting defects in superconducting qubits Dr. Ricardo Roman Ancheyta (INAOE) |
13:00 | RECESO |
15:00 | The Quantum Ecosystem Dr. Blas Manuel Rodriguez Lara (ITESM) |
16:00 | VIDEOS de laboratorios de fabricación y medición de INAOE |
Jueves 2 de Diciembre, 2021
09:00 | Building Qubits in 2D Semiconductors Dr. Kuan Eng Johnson Goh (IMRE, A-STAR, Singapore) |
10:00 | Cryogenic Instrumentation Dr. Daniel Ferrusca Rodríguez (INAOE) |
11:00 | Modeling integrated passive components for high frequency applications Dr. Roberto Stack Murphy Arteaga (INAOE) |
12:00 | Introduction to microwave resonators and their applications in quantum computing area Dra. Gabriela Mendez Jeronimo (CICESE) |
13:00 | RECESO |
15:00 | Integrated Circuit Fabrication Technology for the Development of Superconducting Qubits Dr. Joel Molina Reyes (INAOE) |
16:00 | LAB VIRTUAL de mediciones eléctricas de INAOE |
Viernes 3 de Diciembre, 2021
09:00 | Characterization of Nanoelectronic Devices & Circuits by Advanced Physical and Electrical Analysis Techniques Dr. Kin-Leong Pey (SUTD, Singapore) |
10:00 | Dielectric Breakdown in 2D Hexagonal Boron Nitride Dr. Alok Ranjan (SUTD, Singapore) |
11:00 | Study of vertical stacking of electrodeposited nanorods by using advance electron microscopy techniques Dr. Arturo Ponce Pedraza (UTSA, USA) |
12:00 | The oxidation mechanism of chromium: Why do chrome surfaces shine? Dr. Alberto Herrera Gomez (Cinvestav) |
13:00 | RECESO |
15:00 | POSTERS |
16:00 | PANEL: “¿Es posible fabricar qubits superconductores en México?” |
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