24th IEEE Latin-American Test Symposium

Veracruz, Mexico, 21st - 24th March 2023


CALL FOR PAPERS Proceedings LATS2023

TTTC’s E. J. McCluskey Best Doctoral Thesis 2023 Award Contest



Named after Prof. E. J. McCluskey, a key contributor to the field of test technology, the 2023 TTTC’s Doctoral Thesis Award serves the purpose to promote doctoral student work, providing exposure  the students  to the community and the prospective employers, and to support interaction between academia and industry in the field of test technology.

TTTC’s E.J. McCluskey Best Doctoral Thesis Award will be given to the winning student of the doctoral student contest and his or her advisor.

The contest is held in two stages: semi-finals and finals.

In 2023, semi-finals will be held at the IEEE VLSI Test Symposium (VTS), the IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS), the IEEE Latin-American Test Symposium (LATS) and the IEEE Asian Test Symposium (ATS). At each semi-final, a jury composed of academia and industrial experts will determine the winner, and the four winners will compete against each other in the finals, held at the International Test Conference (ITC) 2023.



All four semi-final sites are seeking submissions from active doctoral students working on test-related topics. An individual can only participate in the contest once in a lifetime. Prospective participants are encouraged to participate when they are close to thesis completion and have obtained sufficient results. Submissions to multiple regional sites are prohibited. Prospective contestants must submit a one-page (A4) summary of their thesis. (One additional page is allowed for figures and references). Submissions must include the names of the student, one advisor and start/end dates, and will undergo a selection process. Selected contestants will be given a short presentation slot in a designated technical session. The winner will be determined by the jury and announced during the event.

Submission is done by email.Submissions must be made by sending the files to the McCluskey Chair, Cristina Meinhardt.
Email: cristina.meinhardt@ufsc.br


Key Date

Submission deadline: 24 February 2023


Global coordinator: Michele Portolan (michele.portolan@imag.fr)