24th IEEE Latin-American Test Symposium

Veracruz, Mexico, 21st - 24th March 2023


CALL FOR PAPERS Proceedings LATS2023


LATS2023 Registration Fees

Prices in USD$ (American dollars)
Payment until March 13th   Payment after March 13th
Full Registration - IEEE Member $ 550 $ 605
Full Registration - IEEE Non-Member  $ 650   $ 715
IEEE Student-Member    $ 200 $ 220
Student IEEE Non-Member $ 250 $ 275
IEEE retired/Life Member $ 450 $ 495
Invited Speaker  $ 450 $ 495
Basic Registration $ 150 $ 165


  • Registration type "Full Registration - IEEE Member" or "Full Registration - IEEE Non-Member"  must be covered for at least  one of the authors of the papers to be presented at LATS2023 and in order to include the paper in the proceedings.
  • Invited speakers are those giving a Keynote, a Visionary Talk, an Invited Talk and a Tutorial.
  • Registration type "Basic Registration" is only allowed for Mexican attendees except those presenting a paper at LATS2023. Registration does not include Social Event and Gala Dinner.

Please enter the following information:

Payment with a Bank Transfer

  • Download the data bank account information for the transfer.
  • Specify in the transfer: LATS2023 Payment Registration of "Name of the person"
  • Please, send the voucher to Victor Champac, email: champac@inaoep.mx