24th IEEE Latin-American Test Symposium

Veracruz, Mexico, 21st - 24th March 2023


CALL FOR PAPERS Proceedings LATS2023

Key Talks

Keynote Talk: "Test Aspects of System Health State Monitoring"

Hans-Joachim Wunderlich, Consultant - Germany

Keynote Talk: "Computation-in-Memory based on emerging non-volatile devices: opportunities and challenges".

Said Hamdioui, TU Delft - The Netherlands

Invited Talk: "Pros and Cons of Assertion Mining"

Graziano Pravadelli, University of Verona - Italy

Keynote Talk: "Error Resilient Neuromorphic Systems Using Embedded Predictive Neuron Checks"

Abhijit Chatterjee, Georgia Institute of Technology - USA

Visionary Talk: "Rethinking Computing with Neuro-inspired Learning: Algorithms to Hardware"

Kaushik Roy, Purdue University - USA

Keynote Talk: "TBD"

Shawn Blanton, Carnegie Mellon University - USA

Invited Talk: "On RTL Designer’s Concerns over Side-Channel Attacks"

Maksim Jenihhin, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia

Industrial Talk: "Ionizing Radiation, Electromagnetic Compatibility and Aging on Integrated Circuits: Combined Tests, Combined Solutions"

Fabian Luis Vargas, IHP - Germany

Keynote Talk: "TBD"

Alex Orailolglu, University of California - US